Later I added an sixth algorithm.  This one has a lead voice and a delayed voice.  The lead voice uses a triangle wave and the delay voice uses a sine wave.  The 2nd knob controls the delay from zero to about fifteen seconds.

Param2   Used to pick a SCALE table for osc 1.
Param3   Used to pick a SCALE table for osc 2.
Param7   Used to zip voice 1 around the SCALE tables.

Now it can make sounds like this:  fraktal_6.mp3

 In this version I also changed the 7-segment display back to the display cryptics.  They just look better, more mysterious.  The sequencer still displays normal digits for the steps.  I changed some code to make the sequencer more like an arpeggiator, and make the decay of the notes controlled by a pot.  Here are the knob assignments for the sequencer:

// Param1 = edit step
// Param2 = step value
// Param3 = DCA envelope decay
// Param4 = FM envelope decay
// Param5 = OSC-B pitch
// Param6 = OSC-A offset

Now the sequencer makes sounds like the following sample.  It is fun to play with, quick and easy.  Remember, this is just one simple board with a bare speaker and some knobs.  At about 1:38 into the sample, I turned the the envelope decay knobs and it made kind of a reverb crazy train kind of sound, including the clanging bell.  fraktal_seq.mp3

Here is the version 6 zip file with the source code and compiled code (CCS PCH C compiler version 3.249).Feel free to use and modify, but keep it open source please.

There are still two open slots for more algorithms, so these pages may be updated in the future.

--- End of fraktal synth pages.  Thanks for visiting! ---

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